Around the year 2000, there was a global shift where suddenly people started to hunger for the Presence of God. They didn't want events and religion, they wanted encounters with the God of the Bible.

Graeme Cooke said it best, "God is inviting us to enter a whole new spiritual dimension, a climate so thick with the presence of God that it will affect our ability to stand, let alone walk. For God is restoring His manifest presence among us.’" (A Divine Confrontation)

As a result a pursuit for more of God has risen. Individuals and communities have realised that we have been called to such intimate communion with God that all things are possible for us who believe and who have been created like Him.

There has been a deepening revelation of "the death of Jesus on the cross making it possible for humanity to come into a place that had previously been hidden, where mankind could carry the Presence of God and do all He did." Heidi Baker, Missionary & CEO of Iris Global

As people all over the world began to grasp this, there has been such an awakening of the transforming power of the Presence of God. Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church, articulated in this way, "People not only were healed when Jesus prayed for them, they just seemed to get well when they were near Him. It was actually the Presence of God upon him, for the anointing is a person."

An encounter with the Presence of God, is an encounter with the Person of God and that changes us forever.


Nuances of God's Presence is a 2 hour e-Course you can do in your own time, at your own pace! 

This e-course is perhaps the most life changing module in the Experiencing the Presence of God series.


~ Anyone who wants to know God more and walk in the freedom His Holy Spirit brings

~ Leadership - essential Professional Development

~ Parents - having used this material in our family, it’s transformed how we do life and fun together


In this experiential e-Course you will be equipped in:

1. What is Presence?

2. What is the foundation and science of what forms our connection to the Presence of God and others?

3. How we can practice the Presence of God

4. Cultivate your ability to recognise, differentiate and partner with the Nuances of God's presence personally for you and corporately.

5. Comprehend and master further the uniqueness of how you carry and release God's presence.


Experiencing the Presence of God series is designed to

1. Equip you with a clear understanding of the Presence of God and be able to identify the nuances of God's presence with you personally

2. . Breakthrough in your connection with God

3. Develop skills that lead to a lifestyle of creating space and hosting the Presence of God regardless of your Lifestage or occupation

4. More confident in your decisions, faith, leadership and even parenting your children centring on the Presence of God

5. Engaging short videos interspersed with self evaluation tasks supported by downloadable practical exercises and other resources to help you revise and consolidate the learning. This course is based on a set of learnable skills. It is Biblically based and backed up by a significant body of research and personal life experience.

6. Develop some skills in how to maintain movement and breakthrough in your life and destiny

7. Help you become more skilled in discernment

I believe you will be in a completely different place with your connection with God personally. We pray it will leave you hungry for more of Him!


This course features easily learned elements supported by practical exercises, all clearly explained by Helen Goatley, Instructor and Consultant.

Helen brings a background in Education to her work which is based on over 20 years experience of helping and inspiring people in many different settings and cultures internationally.

This is a training course and NOT a Counselling course. If during this course you come into a deeper awareness of your life journey. We encourage you to courageously seek out the professional help you need to succeed further and bravely own your story and destiny. People who do this are heroes and champions.

What's OK and What is not OK?

It is OK to do this course and use all worksheets with others in your Leadership or Staffing teams, friendship groups or Church groups. We ask that each group member pay for the course themselves. We live by a core value of honor and this is one way to honor the Author and yourself as a learner. We value what we sacrifice for. For me, this is a means of income and a way of supporting the work so I can continue in it. Share, learn, grow and change the world you live in!

It is NOT OK to use any part of this course or it's materials for commercial use. You can not sell it, sell training based on it or create a website redistributing this course or any material from it.

Want More?
If you are interested in going after more, consider doing our very popular
6 Day Devotional - Prophetic Pioneers here. 

Professional Consultations are also a great way to incorporate what you God is highlighting to you in a very practical and relevant way. Consultations are available by contacting [email protected]

Course Curriculum

    1. PEP Assignment Video

    2. PEP Assignment #1 - PDF

    1. Video Lecture 2 - Journey to a Lifestyle of Practicing His Presence

    2. The Journey to a Lifestyle

    3. God's Presence the Centre Piece PDF

    1. Video Lecture 3 - Science of Presence

    2. The Science of Presence

    1. Video Lecture 4 - The Power of Presence

    2. The Power of Presence

    3. How do I see God Assignment #2 PDF

    1. Nuances Worksheet PDF - to use with this Lecture 5 Videos

    2. Video Lecture 5A - Nuances of God's Presence - Connecting Body, Soul and Mind

    3. Nuances of God's Presences and Our Senses - Summary

    4. Video Lecture 5B - Connecting to God through our 10 senses!

    5. Video Lecture 5C - More Senses to connect us with the Nuances of God's Presence

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

About the Instructor

Founder, Author and Consultant Helen Goatley

Helen Goatley B.A. Dip Ed. Dip Theol. is a thought provoking, keynote Speaker and Consultant. Helen brings enormous International experience and over 20 years of equipping people to a greater connection with God and for their destiny. Helen studied at The University of Melbourne, La Trobe University and Melbourne College of Theology. Helen has also studied under Dr Brene Brown of University of Houston, USA where she completed Dr Brown's Living Brave Semester, The Wisdom of Story and Self-Compassion Semesters. Trained in Leadership at Bethel Church Redding, USA, she brings experience and training in Education, Anthropology and Leadership. Helen along with her husband Mark, are the Founders and Directors of All4Him, an International Christian Ministry. Helen and Mark have lived and founded this organisation in Europe, USA and Australia. Helen provides Professional Consultancy and Training for Leaders, Christian Communities and Organisations in Christian, Education and Business sectors. Helen is recognized as a Supervisor for Leaders by the Churches of Christ Victoria/Tasmania and Baptist Union of Queensland. She also works with leaders in ACC. Helen is the Author and Trainer of the well sort after Professional Development Training series, Living Courage and Experiencing the Presence of God Series. This training is available online at and also live. Helen has worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators, YWAM and All4Him. Prior to this, Helen was teaching in the Education Sector in Australia. Helen is part of the Australia and New Zealand Prophetic Company as well as the Bethel Leaders Network. She has been connected to Bethel Church Redding USA for over 18 years. Helen enjoys painting, snow shoeing and cycling

What Others are Saying

5 star rating

So Good.

Mark .

Solid well thought out ideas and examples. Great clear practical teaching and Biblical concepts. This has really helped me to recognise God in new ways and...

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Solid well thought out ideas and examples. Great clear practical teaching and Biblical concepts. This has really helped me to recognise God in new ways and how He connects and works with me and my gifts. Very Very Helpful Thank you

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